Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Return to the blogosphere

Recently one of my friends, Lauren, told me I should start blogging again. Hmm, good idea I thought... But what about was my next question. I asked my friends. I asked my husband. I asked my dog. Guess who's suggestions were the most helpful. My dog's! Just kidding, while she is my faithful companion, so's not so good with words. I got lots of different suggestions that all added up to: everything! Cooking, Smashbooking, Sewing, Quilting, Photography, TV shows I like, book reviews, EEEERRRRYTHING!
So here I am, offering eeerrrrything.
My biggest doubts always revolve around who on earth would be interested in what I have to say. Then one of my friends said: who cares? Just write it like it's a diary without an audience. So, jep, that's happening!

Much has changed in my life. Or perhaps it's more that much hasn't happened. I've decided that getting rejected from grad school may just have been a blessing in disguise. Not having to go through multiple additional years of school, not having another set of extensive debts, and not having to put my life on hold for so much longer. I've decided to stay with my company and work towards advancement within the company. We shall see! As of now I'm hoping my schedule will settle and I can start getting a bit more routine in my life. If this day ever comes, I'm hoping to spend time on my hobbies. Therefore have fodder for blog posts.

Now my goal is to do something interesting every day. Whether it makes it on the blog or not is another question. Here comes my life as a wife, DSP, photography enthusiast, smashbooker, quilter, Netflix aficionado, and cook. Who knows what else could be added to the list of things I am/will be.

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