Ok, so I'll admit it. I have a big soft spot for Sex and the City. It reminds me of my friend Franzi who was here for an exchange year from Germany and my friend Emily who is now living in Austria. Franzi and I would watch SATC and drink wine every Thursday while Charlie plays DnD with his friend. When she moved back home, Emily and I would also watch it every Thursday. She would make a delicious side dish, she makes the most delicious potato dish, and I'd make some form of meat course.
The thing is, to me, Sex and the City is all about friendship, the slightly raunchy stuff is just bonus on the side. Now watching The Carrie Diary is a little bit melancholic for me. I miss my friend Emily a lot. It's strange to be living in a college town after you graduate and all your friends move on and have whole new lives elsewhere.
How do you make friends when you're not in school? It would then usually be work, right? But then my coworkers are all much older than I am. I have felt like this has been a challenge for me. I'm thinking about how to make a change, we'll see.
However we were talking about The Carrie Diaries, right? I love how they portray friendship. No holds barred, always supporting each other, and always there for each other. Of course they have spats, but that's another thing, real friends kinda need them. You have to be able to tell your friends the truth. Sometimes you have to tell your friend her outfit sucks, or that she's being a bitch, or that she needs to put on her big girl panties... I need that. I need someone to tell me that.
We all lead such busy lives that we don't always make time for important things. If you're lucky enough to have special friends in your life don't take them for granted!
Well, now I feel like I've been making a big long whiny post about not having friends. I do have friends, it's just different than having your bestie there for you whenever you need them, etc.
I figure this is what's been on my mind, so I'll write about it, regardless of whether it's interesting to anyone else.
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